Art in Healthcare is delighted to wish you a belated Happy New Year and to invite you to buy a raffle ticket for our forthcoming Valentine's Prize Draw! We have a fantastic range of prizes, including tours and tasting around the Glenkinchie and Dalwhinnie Whiskey Distilleries, dinner out at Pizza Express and the Hard Rock Cafe, a family pass to Butterfly World and IPod shuffles! What more could you want.. Tickets cost just £1 and can be purchased from contacting the office on 0131 555 7638 or admin@artinhealthcare.org.uk. All funds raised go towards Art in Healthcare, a prominent Scottish charity that provides high quality, original Scottish artworks for all sectors of healthcare. Our vision is to improve the healthcare environment with our unique and culturally relevant art collection and by engaging patients, residents, staff and visitors with enjoyable and interactive art and health talks.
Finally, a reminder that we continue to seek venues for our wide-ranging collection of pictures by highly esteemed Scottish artists for Care Homes, Hospitals, Health Centres and other healthcare-related contexts. Do you know of anyone that might be interested in renting a picture from us? Have you seen a spare bit of a wall in your local Hospital/Health Centre that could benefit from a bit of colour? Get in touch! We liaise with organisations to find out the most suitable picture for a location and deliver to the very spot. You will find full contact details on our website at http://www.artinhealthcare.org.uk/.