The Hard Rock Cafe, Edinburgh, is providing a 'gallery space' in the restaurant to showcase the pictures next week from Monday to Sunday.
We will also have on display Art in Healthcare's two latest Prestigious Prints AND, possibly the most sought after guitar in Scotland - a custom painted Gibson Les Paul Epiphone that has been signed by a load of great musicians including Frightened Rabbit, We Were Promised Jetpacks, the Barenaked Ladies and Jon Lord of Deep Purple!
Come on down to the Hard Rock Cafe to pick up some raffle tickets and check out some lovely artwork. You never know, you may just go home with a beautiful painting!
You can see all the pictures to be auctioned here in our slide show. For details and prices of works check our facebook page.
Auction starts November 3rd 7-9 pm until November 7th
Hard Rock Cafe
20 George Street
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Auction starts November 3rd 7-9 pm until November 7th
Hard Rock Cafe
20 George Street
Edinburgh, United Kingdom