Thursday, 9 February 2017
Internship Experience at Art in Healthcare
Thank you to Alice Coulson for guest blogging about her experiences of working with Art in Healthcare as an intern from the University of Ed...
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Artists and Patients Transform Rohallion Psychiatric Ward
Vanessa Magnone writes as an intern in Art in Healthcare and as an undergraduate student studying psychology and neuroscience: Art in Hea...
Thursday, 24 March 2016
Developing a social prescribing service at Art in Healthcare based on an Occupational Therapy model Part 3
Thursday 24th March 2016 Following on from the fourth and final art workshop of our social prescribing service for referred patients of ...
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Developing a social prescribing service at Art in Healthcare based on an Occupational Therapy model Part 2
Monday 8th February 2016 Today we held the first art workshop for patients referred from Baronscourt Surgery as part of our pilot social ...
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Developing a social prescribing service at Art in Healthcare based on an Occupational Therapy model Part 1
PART 1: Wednesday 27th January 2016 Today I sat in a clinic room as an Occupational Therapist at Baronscourt Surgery seeing patients re...
Monday, 29 September 2014
Artist Uncovered: David Michie OBE, RSA, FRSA
“All the wonderful things that happen through the commonplace” Art in Healthcare included no less than three paintings by David Michie i...
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Art in Healthcare Artwork in Situ
Below are some examples of our extensive, high quality and original artwork on display in various healthcare settings around the country. If...
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